Our team of skilled dent repair specialists offer the most extensive dent removal experience in Kansas City. It’s our knowledge and expertise, combined with our determination and dent removal skills will keep you coming back.
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Kansas City's Original Dr. Dent

30+ Years of Experience

Our dedicated dent removal team is professional, experienced and provides high-quality workmanship. Below are some of our frequently asked questions.

What is paintless dent repair?

Paintless dent repair is the process of repairing minor dents, door dings, and hail damage without affecting or harming the factory painted finish on your vehicle. A highly-trained technician uses a wide variety of tools to access the inside of the damaged panel and meticulously massages the area to a pre-damaged shape.

How well does paintless dent repair work?

If done properly by one of Dr. Dent’s skilled paintless dent repair technicians, all repairs that qualify for this process are undetectable to anyone. In some extreme cases, the damage area may have a slight “wave” that is nearly invisible to the untrained eye.

Does my insurance cover this?

Yes! We work with all insurance companies. Minor dents and door dings may not be covered under your policy. Usually these types of damage are on a per-incident basis and a deductible may apply for each dent if they did not occur at the same time.  Hail damage is covered under most comprehensive insurance policies.

How long will a repair take?

If your damage does qualify for paintless dent repair, the process will take only an hour or so for a single dent. For hail damage or multiple dents on a vehicle, the process may take up to 3 days.